Sunday, May 24, 2009

Working the Grave

“You new, kid?” the “vet” asked without looking up as he finished buckling down his holster.
“Yes I am. Just completed training last week.” he replied.
Morrison slipped his BAP into its holster and looked down at the short cop. “Must’ve got hired before they had height requirements,” he thought. “Wonder why he’s still on grave?”
Sergeant Healey pulled on his jacket and looked the kid in the eye.
“Well forget all the crap they told in you school ‘cuz grave ain’t like that. You’ll see it all and hear it all. Believe half of what you see and less of what you hear and you’ll do fine.”
Morrison smiled, “So I’ve heard.” He began to slip on his jacket as the two walked out of the locker room. “But I’m ready for it, don’t you worry…”
Healey spun around and pushed Morrison up against the wall with a “thud”! Grabbing the rookie’s throat he squeezed. Morrison could feel it getting dark.
“That’s the kind of attitude that gets cops killed. I don’t give a shit about you but I’d like to stay alive. Got it?”
Morrison pushed Healy’s arm away and nodded in agreement. “Geez man, you on drugs or what?” he asked.
“No, but you’ll be wishing you were.” Healy looked at the kid and smiled. “Now let’s go.”
“Welcome to the graveyard shift or the “grave” as we call it. For us it’s midnight to 0800 hours. The handbook says-
“The ‘graveyard shift took its name from the spookiness of working the ghostly hours after midnight, perhaps in a nearly deserted factory with only a skeletal crew on duty."
I can’t tell you much about factory work but I’ll agree the grave can be pretty damn spooky. At this time of night you’ll be meeting the worse of humanity and assorted aliens that happen to be “out and about”.
What kind? I’m talking Lycaons, Zhuh-zhuhs, Vampires, Hydrissians, Graths, hell even a Spug now and then. And that’s not even mentioning the “metal-heads” that as soon tear your arm off as shake your hand.
Heard the old saying “crime doesn’t pay”? Well they’re wrong, it does. And pretty damn well from what I hear. That’s why there’s so many gangs out here. That’s why they all come here to New Hope City. The pay’s good…except for ours. And we’re all that stands between them and the nice LWC.
Now check the duty roster and head out to your vehicles. It’s the witching hour baby, and we’re already behind.”

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